Ursuline Sisters of Toledo, Ohio

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"Within you is the voice of a gentle spirit.
If you listen,
it will speak to you of strength and encourage you with reassurance.
If you trust in it,
it will lead you home."

(LifeSongs-Giving Voice to the Spirit Within, Hallmark Books)

Calendar of Events



Resource Center for Religious Institutes Conference in Orlando, FL


Day of Reflection for Religious - 9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. - Rosary Cathedral

Mary Manse College Alumni Banquet
11:00 a.m. liturgy/luncheon - Ursuline Center


Input/Update gathering - Rosary Care Center
1 - 3 p.m.


St. Ursula Liturgy/Missioning  - 4:00 p.m. and Evening meal

Council Meeting

LCWR Region 6 Meeting  - Cincinnati

See What's New on the Website

  • Go to About - Archives - Winds of the Spirit
  • Go to News - Monthly Leadership Reflection; Poem by Sr. Mary Alice Henkel
  • Go to Publications - October Newsletter and annual Ursu-Line
  • Go to Ministry & Mission - Social Concerns; Pope's Intention; United Nations International Day
  • Go to Ministry & Mission to Associates for an Update

Catalog of Sisters' Art for Sale

Updated May 2024

Contact Michelle at 419-536-9587 if you are interested in the art available and at what price.

Click here for CATALOG

Pictures of Jubilee Celebration

Autumn - the Season of Longings

October, a favorite month of the year for many and a favorite season of the year. We are always amazed at how much this season offers for reflection: beauty, color, gratitude, surrender, letting go, transformation, shadows, shorter days and longer nights.

Autumn also implies a sense of longing. Summer days are gone and winter days loom ahead. We are not yet ready to let go. Yet God has given us this special time to transition ourselves from one season to the other. Life goes on and change is with us in a new way. Autumn speaks of mystery and God's presence in a different way.

God invites us to move inwards, into our hearts and reflect on our deepest longings. To get us through the cold winter days, we have the memories of summer and the up-coming opportunity to give thanks and express our gratitude to God for all the gifts we have been given. Our blessings become the sustenance and nourishment, interior and exterior, that carry us through this cycle of life until next spring.

Yes, this season touches our deepest longings. We move on as the flow of God's grace continues to enrich the very core of our beings. Each of us has particular desires and longings that ache for tender care and kindness. As each leaf falls to the ground and the trees become bare, we too, might reflect on the leaves that must fall from our lives in order to bring about transformation, new life and greater beauty.
So, what does your heart long for this autumn?

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