Ursuline Sisters of Toledo, Ohio

New Paragraph

Winds of the Spirit by Sr. M. Rose Krupp

Community Celebration

On October 19, 1986, the Sisters gathered for a community day of celebration. During the liturgy sister Kathleen Padden, and her new council shared a homily on the Constitution: Sister Kathleen Padden on the NATURE section, Sister Mary Rose Krupp on the SPIRITUALITY section, Sister Mary Claudia Holtz on LIFESTYLE, Sister, Donna Jeanne Frey on FORMATION and Sister Justine Hill on GOVERNMENT.
As the blue and gold bound copies of the Constitution and Directives were distributed, Sisters recalled the series of drafts beginning shortly after the directives of Vatican Council II. The community had faithfully discerned of their lives as followers of Saint Angela Marie within the context of the Church and society. Now they realized they were beginning a journey together to absorb and to live the written document.

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