Ursuline Sisters of Toledo, Ohio

New Paragraph

Winds of the Spirit by Sr. M. Rose Krupp

Sunlight and Shadows -
the Eighties

Invigorated by the 125th anniversary celebration at the end of the Seventies, the Community moved into the Eighties to implement the goals accepted in the 1977 summer program of discernment and the Chapter decisions of 1978. Priority was given to obtaining approval of the Constitution and Directives and the orderly implementation of corporate holdings decisions.

Historic Dialogue

In March of 1978 Sisters Justine Hill and Judith Barnhiser went to Rome with Rev. Donald E Heintschel, Sister M. Patrice of the Sylvania Franciscans, and Sister Patricia Froning of the Tiffin Franciscans to attend the National Vicars of Religious meeting with the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Apostolic Institutes. . . .

The Constitution Committee presented a draft of “The Spiritual Document” to the Chapter on December 29, 1978. . . .many Sisters had contributed time and research to this committee work, and all Community members had the opportunity for significant input into a number of drafts.

The Chapter accepted “The Spiritual document” and charged the Committee with the responsibility of securing approval of the Constitution from the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes in Rome (SCRIS).

For eight years correspondence continued between the members of the Committee and SCRIS in Rome. At this point in canonical history, SCRIS carefully scrutinized the documents sent to them by Orders of Women Religious. For the members of the Community the eight years of scrutiny were a period of lively dialogue with suggestions, explanations, and amendments exchanged between SCRIS and the Committee. . .

With the final approval from Rome dated January 27, 1986, the Constitution Committee arranged for the printing of the book, THE CONSTITUTION AND DIRECTIVES OF THE URSULINE SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART OF TOLEDO, OHIO.



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