Hardly seems real that Lent is beginning this week. I recently received a reflection book entitled “Return to me with all your heart.” For some reason the title caught my heart so I will be using the book this year.
We have so much to pray about this year “the seemingly endless violence in our communities, and around the globe, the desperation of those on the move and those living in poverty, the growing fears about the stability of our social economic framework and on and on.
But we move ahead, knowing that a loving God walks with us and will not abandon us. We move ahead in community with all of you, and with a worldwide network of committed nonviolent peacemakers”. Judy Coose
May this holy season be filled with many blessings for you, and with the knowledge that our God loves us every day more and more.
Organized by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Findlay, OH, and hosted by the Franciscan Sisters of Sylvania, about 40 Sisters of various religious communities in the Toledo area gathered to celebrate Mardi Gras. The afternoon began with a delicious buffet luncheon followed by table conversations, games and cards. Purely social event – no meeting with an agenda other than having fun with one another!